22 Journalling Prompts/Clearings To Enable A Fresh Start

Year-ends provide a good excuse for review, reflection and redirection.  
We become aware of the passing of time more deeply and hence tend to take stock and re-evaluate our current ways. However, most reactive New Year Resolutions run out of steam in a few weeks and we fall back into old patterns.

To truly make a shift, we need to first quietly reflect on what we would like for ourselves and then methodically create an environment that is supportive of such change.

A list of generative questions flowed spontaneously on this subject – so I am sharing them here for those who would like to take a deep dive…. You may use them as journaling prompts or as afformations.
For those familiar with healing tools such as EFT, Access Consciousness Clearing Statement or Now Healing, you can use them as clearings.

At the very least, a brief consideration of these prompts may give you powerful insights.
Taken to heart – they can perhaps help you chart out a definitive roadmap to actualising your best.

Would be happy to have your comments. And if you find these useful… do share with others!
Here is the list:

  1. What would take me closer to feeling a 10/10 in my connection with Source?
  2. What would take me closer to feeling a 10/10 in my connection with my Self?
  3. What would take me closer to feeling a 10/10 in my other relationships?
  4. What would take me closer to feeling a 10/10 in my energies?
  5. What would take me closer to feeling a 10/10 in my health?
  6. What would take me closer to feeling a 10/10 in my finances?
  7. What would take me closer to feeling a 10/10 in my career?
  8. What would take me closer to feeling a 10/10 in my awareness?
  9. What am I using as a compass to navigate my decisions?
    Does this compass reflect my deepest values?
  10. Whose advice or company do I turn to?
    Do they model how I would like to be?
  11. Who or what is holding me back?
    How can I reduce that limitation in my life?
  12. Where am I taking things most personally?
    What would change if I became objective in that one thing?
  13. What am I most afraid of?
    How do I heal this?
  14. Letting go of which particular grievance would have maximum impact on my life?
    What would enable me to make this one closure happen?
  15. What am I avoiding?
    And why?
  16. What am I seeking?
    And why?
  17. Who am I being that I don’t want to be?
    What am I doing that I don’t want to do?
    What would I rather be doing instead?
    What excuses am I using to procrastinate and delay this change?
  18. What one thing do I need to start doing right away?
  19. What one thing do I need to stop doing right away?
  20. What do I most appreciate?
    How can I have more of that experience?
  21. What would it take for me to shift from a survival mindset to a thriving mindset?
    How much would change if I did that?
  22. Who or what is encouraging my growth and evolution?
    How can I increase this energiser in my life?

Anything preventing me from having clarity on any of the above, disentangle now.

9 thoughts on “22 Journalling Prompts/Clearings To Enable A Fresh Start

  1. Hi Sangeeta,

    Hope you are well. Thank you for this email. I wonder if meeting you with this sheet will enable further reflection and understanding of how to go about things.

    Warm regards, Deepti

    On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 6:56 PM Serene Reflection wrote:

    > Sangeeta posted: ” Year ends provide a good excuse for review, reflection > and redirection. We become aware of the passing of time more deeply and > hence tend to take stock and re-evaluate our current ways. However, most > reactive New Year Resolutions run out of steam in a f” >

    1. Hi Deepti,

      Nice to hear from you. Hope you are doing well too.

      The mail you received was your blog subscription email.
      So your reply is public.

      Please email me privately at besangeeta@gmail.com with any queries you may have. All consultations have moved online since last year. Latest details on session packages are available at http://serenereflection.com/now/individual-consultations/
      Would be happy to help you further your reflection if that’s what you would like to work on.

      Best wishes!


  2. This is fantastic. The intriguing one that stood out to me most is What am I using as a compass to navigate my decisions?

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