Are You An Earth Sensitive? and Why You Need to Know

6 Elements - Earth Healing Mandala - woven by Sangeeta Bhagwat

It takes only about 5 minutes of news to make the most resilient of us feel exhausted and dismayed.  Current world events, weather disruptions and mishaps seem to be growing in frequency and scale.  While some articles describing the traits of Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons have been doing the rounds, there is relatively less information available for Earth Sensitives.  For them, the current times can be overwhelming.  Even more so, if you do not even realize what is happening with you and why.

To me, labels have their limitations and I use all these terms more as pointers rather  than rigorous classifications.  My intent here is to provide some practical, useful  checklists for those who may have been seeking such support. I myself fit the descriptions of an Empath, HSP as well as an Earth Sensitive.

Previously, I have shared several Tools For Empaths.  I strongly recommend referring to that comprehensive article as well.  Here, I focus on those perceiving changes in the earth energies, weather, solar storms, water pollution and the like through emotions and sensations in their own body. Have you had any of the following symptoms for which there seems to be no apparent medical reason?

  1. Disturbed sleep patterns
  2. Restlessness
  3. Acute episodes of anxiety
  4. Inexplicable periods of fatigue
  5. Inexplicable and compelling need to rest or sleep
  6. Oversensitivity to loud noises or changes in temperature
  7. Sudden and acute feeling of heat or cold in the body
  8. Tingling of extremities
  9. Dizziness
  10. Sudden pain in particular body parts (often the lower back)
  11. Need to withdraw and go silent
  12. Yearning to connect more deeply with nature

This is not an exhaustive list as each one of us tends to experience different sensations.  But it does work as a pointer.  If you are an Earth Sensitive, in all probability, just reading this broad description of symptoms will trigger the knowing within you.  You can validate this for yourself by paying more attention to the timing, intensity, coming and going of these symptoms.

For many years now, because I know that my body is giving me an awareness of an earth event, when I experience any of my own symptoms, I look up earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, major weather events, solar weather and large scale disasters.   I include man-made disasters(accidents, acts of terror, war, etc.) in the scope of Earth Sensitives (and not just empaths) as these in fact hurt Gaia.  Now I can usually tell which of these is the trigger and roughly where it has happened before I find the news article.  I have tested this long enough to satisfy the skeptic in myself.  But it took a long while to understand, accept and address what is happening peacefully. So if you feel you are an Earth Sensitive too, here are my suggestions for self care:

  1. Learn to trust yourself:  Everyone who has a knowing is actually quite clear about it.  It is the mind that tells us all kind of doubting stories.
  2. Learn to discern: This is not in contradiction to the first.  It is a corollary.  You will experience sensations that are your own, other people’s and also the earth’s.  By being more mindful and open to the answer you receive, instead of judging and dismissing your intuition, you will build upon your ability to discern accurately. Access Consciousness offers some nice tools to help with this.  You can ask the following questions:
    1. Who does this belong to?
    2. Is it earth or someone else?
    3. What can I do with it? (*more on this later)

    Truth makes one feel lighter and more expansive while false answers make one feel heavy or constricted.

  3. Ensure you get frequent and regular earthing: The health benefits of earthing are significant for everyone but are especially important for earth sensitives.  Walking barefeet on earth, grass or the beach will help ground much of the energy.
  4. Ensure proper hydration: You are processing vast amount of energies and drinking adequate water is important.  Too many of us do not realize when we are dehydrated.
  5. Check if you need supplements:  Energy stress and energy work both sometimes seem to require an increase in supplements such as B12, Magnesium and Omega-3 and Omega-6.
  6. Invest in your own wellbeing: We need to remember that the outer reflects the inner.  Besides, this also improves your tolerance for difficult times.  See 16 Effective Ways To Dissolve Unhappiness for specific tips.
  7. Use Energy Balancing techniques: You can avail of any of the numerous tips provided in Tools For Empaths.  In addition, there are a few simple energy exercises that can be helpful.   Some of these are:
  8. Soothing music: Solfeggio frequencies or brain entrainment embedded music can be particularly helpful.  However, there is no rule.  Any music you are drawn to helps.
  9. Artistic Expression of all kinds is especially helpful when you feel a strong download of energy and it needs to be grounded(manifested) into the physical world.

Personal experience tells me that pretending the symptoms away does not work, neither does neglecting the information we are thus receiving. Which brings me to the promise of the title and the intent behind this post:

Why do you need to know if you are an Earth Sensitive?
You need to know, now, more than ever – because the Earth is calling for your support. 

The changes that the planet and the collective are going through are showing up through the extreme situations we witness globally today, as well as in our personal lives.  We have a part to play in this drama.  We can choose to ignore our knowing, play helpless victims suffering the experience, or choose differently:   We can honor our gifts by meeting the urgent need for loving attention from the planet.  We can do this by proactively supporting the processing of the energies in a way that benefits us all.

All the violence that we have inflicted on each other, on other beings and on the elements themselves has led to disrupted energies and trapped emotions in many places, as well as in ourselves.  Like cellular memories in individuals, these ‘memories’ tend to replay again and again.  No wonder we say ‘history repeats itself’.

Water plays a significant part in all this.  Just as our bodies are 70%-80% water, the planet also has a substantial component of water.  If you are not familiar with Masaru Emoto’s work, do have a look at the photographs of water crystals before and after prayers, to see the physical impact of both our neglect and loving attention.

While many healers, meditators and those convinced of the tangible benefits of practices such as TM and heart coherence have been actively working on releasing and balancing these energies in individuals, I believe that there is an equal need to focus our attention and intention on spaces and elements as well. 

Once you feel more balanced with some self care, and if you would like to contribute towards healing the earth, here are some ways:

  1. Follow Your Inner Guidance: To act on what you know is perhaps the most challenging part.  Because you may feel called to do things or be at places for which you can offer no rational explanation.  And sometimes, you may feel like you should be focusing your attention on an earth event, but you may be guided to ‘mind your own business’.  There almost seems to be an ‘assignment’ of events and the useful thing seems to be to address what you are ‘told’ to and not invite any more (or less).  I have been following guidance to go to certain places and do clearings, or activate energy grids.  But a great many hours have also gone in remote practice. You never know what to expect.  All I can say is that not listening worsens my symptoms, while honoring the guidance has led me to some amazing, awe-inspiring, synchronistic experiences that have totally validated my choices.
  1. Strengthen Your Trust: For me, the lesson in trust had to be learned before I received the assurance of validation.  For many years, there were self doubts (after all, in my other avatar I write stories!) and practically no way to establish if I was making any contribution.  But as the mind has quietened, the knowing has grown more certain and the trust is more constant.
  1. One Step At A Time: Frequently, the information and energies downloaded unfold through gradual revelations.  For example, you may feel drawn to a particular location without knowing why, until you get there.  It’s almost like a patient treasure-hunt.  Follow the clues and cues.
  1. Use Healing Techniques:  If you are familiar with any energy healing practices – apply those techniques to spaces, land parcels, water bodies, etc. Most of these can be done remotely, or at the location.  Many of them are easy to learn:
    1. Reiki, light or similar energy can be specifically directed towards these with the intention of clearing and healing.
    2. Join the Global Coherence Initiative that uses Heart Math techniques.
    3. Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT) can be used for specific clearings. Eg. Videos from Brad Yates for the Oceans and Rainforest.
    4. NOW Healing – Elma Mayer shares a video for healing Urban Waterways.
    5. Emotion Code can be used to release trapped emotions in a land or site.
    6. Access Tools – Numerous questions and clearing statement for contributing to the earth are available. You can google for these.
    7. One particularly easy tool from Access is to say “Whatever the earth wants of me, I contribute now.” and shake both hands out vigorously (towards the earth) three times saying “1,2,3”.
    8. Those familiar with entity clearing can deliberately approach sites of conflict, deep rooted history, or where intuitively drawn and work to release these.
    9. Work with trees. This can be done intuitively.  For a detailed writeup click here.
    10. The Agnihotra practice is reportedly very beneficial for the environment. Learn more about it and see if it appeals to you.
    11. Ho’oponopono: The ancient Hawaain practice of taking 100% responsibility for the world you perceive and continuous repetition of the prayer “I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”  ‘cleans the memories’ .  (For almost a year now, I have made it a discipline to repeat this prayer every time I use water – whether it be to drink, wash, or water the plants!  I deliberately shared this with a handful of friends, to ensure that I remain mindful in my practice and rarely do I lapse now. Sharing such a commitment  with others can be helpful in maintaining a practice.)
    12. Download the free New Vibes symbols from my site and charge your drinking water with these.
  1. Be Present: The bottom line is that if we are present, empty and available, what needs to happen, happens effortlessly.  So while the previous list is the more active or yang way to contribute, the yin way is simple (but most often requires a practice):
  • Wherever you are, become quiet and still.
  • If you are working on a remote location, take your attention there.
  • Notice the underlying presence.
  • Energies may move through you or you may feel deep stillness.  Either is fine.
  • Stay in awareness for as long as you feel called to.

Despite any chaos, whether current or historical, there is underlying grace waiting to be brought forth.  Be the one to see it and bring it alive.  As ACIM says, “It is impossible to see two worlds.”(more on that in another post).  I have found that earth grid activations and connections tend to happen spontaneously through us in this manner.  You may feel called to tend to these locations subsequently, by repeating similar follow-up sessions.

To conclude, I have focused on energy and awareness here, but this in no way takes away from the option of actions such as mindful consumption of resources, physically cleaning up spaces or actively participating in activities of organizations working towards a greener, more peaceful earth.

For those who have made it to the very end of this long article – I thank you for your time and patience!  Do let me know if you find this article useful or interesting, and please do pass it on to others as well.

The Earth needs all of us to be more aware and participative right now.  Please help in making that possible!

Earth Poetry

28 thoughts on “Are You An Earth Sensitive? and Why You Need to Know

  1. Reblogged this on fan2orcas's Blog and commented:
    I am most definitely an Earth Sensitive, as well as Empath, and Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), each to varying degrees…it can be so stressful for me at times, taking on the energies from outside of myself. It’s no wonder I retreat MUCH of the time lately! As I’m strengthening my self during this ahhh-mazing spiritual awakening with my Higher Self! 😀 ❤

  2. Thank you for sharing this information, I have always know I’m an empath and HSP .. as well as psychic intuitive .. and so being an earth sensitive as well and the symptoms I have makes sense. (( Blessed Be ❤ ))

  3. Reblogged this on Zenobiusz and commented:
    I have many of these traits, but above all I ‘m filling vibration of the planet correlated with earthquakes and eruptions I,m loking forpeople with a similar gift .

  4. Thank you for this article. I now understand a lot of what I feel. It’s helped me and opened my mind.

  5. Thank you for the article and shared thought ,we look forward to your visit to Bimba The Art Ashram/ Rasalok solo theatre
    of still miniature art .
    Please do visit us soon – and again and again
    We are enclosing an interview by a perceptive writer Smt Jayanthi Sridhar on some facets of our work and engagement with Earth sensitive lifestyle
    This interview is of course is the writers own language of perception

    Come, Experience, Share us ,this article with friends family invite them on our behalf to share grow earth sensitive art and lifestyle – we are open all days 1030am to 830pm
    You will love this 108 year old space as it has unfolded

    We are a zero profit space and there are many areas where you could add meaning -or even champion – to this small yet deep , meaningful heart of city movement

    Deepika and I live on the space and love to share the processes that create Earth sensitive environments and lifestyles that are beautiful , contemporary , rooted in values .

    Also Every Saturday we share a masterly art performance here in the Aangana – a handcrafted open courtyard – at. 630 pm and open to all ages above 7 years

    Warm regards
    Deepika and Deepak
    9886635069/ 08026622639
    Bimba The Art Ashram
    42 ratna vilas rd Opp Canara bank DVG
    Near Nagasandra Circle

    1. Thank you for your visit and comment! It was a pleasure to learn about the Bimba Art Ashram and I certainly hope to visit one day in the near future.


  6. I’m in complete alignment and understanding of what you’ve communicated.

    The earth is presently moving coarse and dense energy and your posting is an important reminder to me.

    Than you sincerely,


  7. I just experienced extreme dizziness and nausea and even vomiting last night less than 12 hours prior to the 6.4 earthquake in San Bernardino today 7/4/2019. I live just a little over an hour away from the area. I also have O negative RH negative blood. I appreciate any advice or wisdom in regards to these events as I have just started understanding my empathetic awareness levels and abilities. It can be overwhelming and scary. Thanks…

    1. Please follow the suggestions listed in the above article. You may also find ‘Tools For Empaths’, another article on this blog useful.

      (For nausea and vomitting, tapping on the inside of the wrist, about 3 fingers width below the palm can be useful.)

      Best wishes!

  8. I have been feeling overwhelmed with the earthquake end .I’m physically, and Intuitively involved with this event. I couldn’t be the only one feeling whT I’m feeling. How come Noone around me is feeling what om feeling. It’s impossible.

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